Emilio Sani
Lawyer qualified in cassation
Energy Law, Public Services, Contract Works
Emilio Sani born in Milan, in 1969. Lawyer qualified to the High Court (Corte di Cassazione).
Founder of the Law Firm Sani Zangrando Avvocati (Sazalex)
He advises both Italian and foreign clients. His clients are producers of energy, utilities, investment funds, developers of energy projects, traders of energy, big customers of energy (as chemical plants) and are both Italian and overseas companies.
He is advisor of the Chairman of X Commission of the Parliament (Senato della Repubblica) for energy matters.He has been teacher on: (i) “Public Grants” at the Faculty of Law of University of Pisa, Master for Public Bodies Managers (“Giurista dell’Economia e Manager Pubblico”); (ii) Self-consumption Systems and Electric Tariffs at the Politecnico of Milan, Department of Electrical Engineer. (iii) Italian Energy Market and relevant Regulations, at the Luiss Business School.
In 2015 he has been one of the co-founder of the no profit Association Italia Solare for the development of renewable energy. As director of the Association Italia Solare he has periodical meetings with GSE S.p.A. and with the political and administrative bodies of the Ministry for Economic Development, Authority for Energy (ARERA), Commissions for the Productive Activities of the Parliament.
Professional experience
In his professional career he has acquired experience in all sort of energy matters under Italian and European law. In particular most recent activity has been in:
- Advising on sale of SPVs owning power plants fueled by renewable sources or authorizations for the construction of power plants;
- Development, construction, financing and subsequent sale of power plants fueled by renewable sources (more than 400 MWs in aggregate in the last years) for international and domestic groups;
- Development, construction, financing of projects for energy efficiency: development of cogeneration plants and district heating projects, projects for trading of the incentives for energy efficiency – the so called: white certificates, 10 concessions for renewal of public lighting infrastructures;
- Draft of PPA agreements for both producers and traders;
- Development of direct lines for self-consumption of energy. He drafted forms of PPAs and operational lease agreements for self-consumption as well forms of energy performance contracts. These forms are adopted as the Italian standard of the market. He has a unique and recognized know how on all matters concerning self-consumption of energy;
- Assistance to the beneficiaries of incentives for energy efficiency (white certificates), renewable energy (Conto Energia, grin convention, green certificates), in the administrative relations with the authority of control (GSE S.p.A.) and in the related disputes before the administrative courts;
- Assistance to the traders of energy in the administrative relations with the Italian Energy Regulatory Authority (ARERA) and in the related disputes before the administrative Court, as well in their relations with customers;
- Arbitrations (both as arbitrator and attorney) and civil court proceedings concerning acquisition of projects or disputes with the contractor of the construction or maintenance of the power plants or with bordering landowners;
- Advising big consumers of energy on electricity tariffs and on exemptions from surcharges for support to the renewables.
He also accrued material experience in the sector of wastes and water. In particular
for the wastes:
(i) in the development and construction of plants for the disposal of wastes and (ii) in the procedures for the approval of remediation plans also in sites of national interest (iii) In all matters concerning the relation with the citizens living in the bordering areas and related disputes
For the water
(i) Development of pipelines for the transmission and the distribution of the water (ii) award of the concessions for the integrated service (iii) related financing arrangements
He obtained his Law degree magna cum laude at the University of Milan (1993). From 1994 to 2000 he worked in the Law firm of Professor Guido Greco specialized in energy and construction law.
Admitted to Bar and to the Superior Courts.
He is member of the Bar of Milan from 1997. He is member of the International Bar Association (member of the International Construction Projects Committee).
He has also been co-chair of the Young Construction Lawyers Conference of the International Bar Association in 2004.
Coordinator of the regulatory-legislative group of the Italia Solare association
Italian, English.
Conferences and seminars
- “Digitalization of Energy. Is the regulation updated?”, Rinergia, January 8, 2019
- “Digitalization an opportunity for customers and business. The Eu rules and the contractual structures” Forum Italia Solare December 11, 2019;
- “Policies for the sustainability of the islands: benchmarking of the islands within the Observatory Focus Group”, Observatory Greening the Islands, Rome November 6, 2018;
- “Electric charges, the principles of the regulation and tax profiles”, National Conference on Electric Mobility, September 27, 2018
- “Market parity and grid parity opportunities” Solarplaza webinair, 25 Maggio 2018;
- “Energy Communities”, Enostra, Rimini, November 6th, 2018;
- “Prosumers and aggregators. Legal and regulatory aspects”, Rome, May 8, 2018 conference organized in the context of the European project PVP4grid
- “The new incentives to PV Plants” Modena, April 20, 2018, ITALIA SOLARE tour
- “Private Grids, Closed distribution systems and aggregators”, Milan, March 16, 2018 in the context of the MCE exhibition
- “The Capacity Market”, Verona, November 16th 2017, conference organized by the Association of Engineers of Verona
- “Self-consumption and operational Lease”, November 8th, 2017 at the workshop organized by Key Solar International Exhibition for Energy Products in Rimini
- “The Feed in Tariff decree to grant incentives to renewables on small islands” at the GREENING THE ISLANDS INTERNATIONAL & NATIONAL CONFERENCE on November 3rd – 4th 201, Island of Favignana (Sicily)
- “Power Purchase Agreements” at the seminary on Opportunities for Photovoltaic in Italy and Overseas, organized by Dupont on October 11th, 2017 in Rome
- “The self-production and the scenarios of clean energy package of EU” Legambiente, Rome, May, 2017
- “Electric tariffs for industrial clients”, Florence, March 2017
- “PV: Operational Lease and self-consumption”. Webinar by – February, 20th 2017
- Storage, the future of PV in Italy” – Workshop organized by Qualenergia.It, Rome, December 1st, 2016
- “Incentives to renewable energy” – Business International, Milan, September 21st, 2016;
- “E-MOBILITY: the open access to the chargers”, Milan, Aprii 21st, 2016
- “The new incentives to the production of thermal energy from renewable sources”, Atiqual, Trento, April 14th, 2016
- “Electric mobility for corporations, the advantages” — Gruppo Italia Energia at GSE Rome, March 3rd, 2016
- “Lesson on electric self-consumption”, Laurea Magistrale in Electrical Engineering — Smart Grids, Politecnico Milan, January 26th, 2016
- “How to operate in the Italian PV market in 2016” — Qualenergia, Rome, December 2nd, 2015
- “Reduction of energy cost in the industry”—Confindustria, Brescia, 23rd October 2015
- “Self-consumption systems”, Business International – Rome, October 8th, 2015
- “Saving with self-consumption systems” in collaboration with Area Energia & Ambiente of TIS Innovation Park —Bolzano, September 11th, 2015
- “Cogeneration and self-consumption systems”, Business International- Rome, July 15, 2015
- “Energy performance of buildings” – Milan, July 14th, 2015
- “How to safeguard incentives and Pv Plants”, QualEnergia – Rome, July 1st, 2015
- “Storage systems”, Business International – Rome, June 25th, 2015
- M2M Forum- “The self-consumption systems”,— Milan, Aprii 29th, 2015
- “The self-consumptions systems”, SolarExpo — Milan, April 8th and 10th, 2015
- “The economic and contractual relations between the provider of the storage service and the beneficiary” Milan, March 2015, Business International
- “PPA between producer and customers in the self-consumption Systems: price duration, feasibility”, Milan, February 24th, 2015, INVEX
- “As to improve the investment in the PV Plants”, Rome December 2014, Qualenergia;
- “Practically how to develop a self-consumption system”, Politecnico di Milano, November 5th, 2014
- “Self-consumption systems” Solarplaza, Milan, 2014
- “PPAs between producer and customer in the self-consumption systems”, Business International Milan, October 23rd, 2014
- “Obstacles to the development of the ESCO business”, Verona, July 2014, Quotidiano Energia;
- “Contractual relations in the self-consumption systems”, Rome, May 21st, 2014, Business International
- “PPA between producer and consumer in the self-consumption systems”, Milan, Solarexpo, May 8th, 2014
- “PV and self-consumption systems”, organized by Business International, Milan, March 26th, 2014
- “Export credit opportunities”, Milan, January 23rd 2014
- “Distributed generation of energy new opportunities”. Milan, November 26th, 2013
- “New rules for start up””, Milan, November 20th, 2013
- “Energy efficiency, opportunities and financial instruments”, Modena, 19 November 2013
- “Self-consumption the future of PV in Italy”, Milan, October 8th, 2013
- “Support to energy efficiency, Analysis of regulations and contractual and commercial proposals”, Milan, Aprii 2013
- “New trends for PV Plants”, yearly APER meeting on photovoltaic source, February 14, 2013
- “Incentive to the renewables: instructions”, — In-depth seminars — APER. Milan, November 12th, 2012
- “The new decrees and the incentive systems for renewables. The opportunities given by the energy efficiency regulations. The incentive system in Romania”. Milan, October 12, 2012
- “Renewable sources and energy efficiency”, Palazzo Banca D’Alba. Alba, Cuneo, June 2012
- “Opportunities of the distributed generation”, Meeting Aper organized by Solarexpo, Fiera di Verona, May, 2012
- “Lawyer Course on Renewable Energies Law”, Milan – APER, April 2011
- “Foreign investments: focus on renewable energy”, Roundtable organized by Invitalia, Agenzia nazionale per l’attrazione degli investimenti e lo sviluppo d’impresa SpA.. Rome, December 2010
- “Lawyer Course on Renewable Energies Law”, Milan – APER, November 2010
- “Which future for renewables energy”. Toplegal. Milan, October 2010
- “Contractual instruments concerning the realization of plants and its relative guarantees”. Italian Photovoltaic Academy, Bari, March 2010
- “Developments in the bioenergy sector, An opportunity of cooperation among Italian and Danish Companies”, a conference organised by the Trade Council of Denmark. Milan, March 2010
- “Round table renewable sources: from project acquisition to financing and development”: Regulatory, tax and financial issues. Roundtable Toplegal. Milan, October 2009
- “The new Decree on renewable sources: news and practical issues”, Milan, January 2009
- Project finance and renewable energies: who determines the trends? The new role of sponsors and banks”: Roundtable. Toplegal. Milan, February 2008
Articles and publications
- Fine scambio sul posto: prove di convenienza per il fv residenziale, dicembre 2023, Solare B2B;
- Efficienza energetica: al via la nuova direttiva, novembre 2023, Ambiente & Sicurezza;
- Tutte le novità della direttiva RED, novembre 2023, Solare B2B;
- Aree idonee e incentivi per rilanciare i grandi impianti, ottobre 2023, Solare B2B;
- Nuove regole per le connessioni: ARERA avvia la consultazione, settembre 2023, Solare B2B;
- TAR Lombardia rimette extraprofitti FER a Corte di Giustizia UE, luglio 2023, PV Magazine Italia;
- Le tappe normative delle CER, luglio/agosto 2023, Solare B2B;
- Comunità Energetiche: finalità e tipologie, giugno 2023, Ambiente & Sicurezza, pubblicazione online;
- Agrivoltaico: nuovi incentivi in arrivo, giugno 2023, Solare B2B;
- Decreto PNRR: ecco le principali semplificazioni, maggio 2023, Solare B2B;
- Verso un nuovo sistema di incentivazione, aprile 2023, Solare B2B,
- FV: le nuove semplificazioni nel DL PNRR, marzo 2023, Solare B2B;
- Battery energy storage systems in Italy: current regulation and investment opportunities, 7 febbraio 2023,, pubblicazione online;
- Ecco le semplificazioni di ARERA per le connessioni, gennaio/febbraio 2023, Solare B2B;
- What are the advantages for developing Photovoltaic plants in connection with Agriculture? What the incentives?, 14 dicembre 2022,, pubblicazione online;
- Storage: il nuovo sistema di pianificazione e remunerazione, dicembre 2022, Solare B2B;
- Guida rapida agli impianti agrivoltaici, novembre 2022, Solare B2B;
- ARERA apre sempre di più ad autoconsumo e comunità energetiche, ottobre 2022, Solare B2B;
- I nuovi scenari con la fine dello scambio sul posto, settembre 2022, Solare B2B;
- Storage: le recenti normative e i punti di attenzione, luglio/agosto 2022, Solare B2B;
- Comunità energetiche: le nuove regole tecniche da GSE e Agenzia delle Entrate, giugno 2022, Solare B2B;
- DL Energia: ecco tutte le novità per il FV, maggio 2022, Solare B2B;
- Normative: le ultime novità su incentivi, bollette e autorizzazioni, aprile 2022, Solare B2B;
- Direttiva Rinnovabili: Q&A su incentivi e ricavi per gli impianti da FER, marzo 2022, Solare B2B;
- Decreto Rinnovabili: ecco le principali novità, gennaio/febbraio 2022, Solare B2B;
- Direttiva Rinnovabili: le novità per lo storage, dicembre 2021, Solare B2B;
- Direttiva Rinnovabili: le novità per i grandi impianti FV, novembre 2021, Solare B2B;
- Direttiva Rinnovabili: le novità per i piccoli impianti FV, ottobre 2021, Solare B2B;
- Le comunità di energia rinnovabile come strumento per combattere la povertà energetica, settembre 2021, in Libro Bianco dialogo sulla povertà energetica;
- Il capacity market fra sicurezza degli approvvigionamenti e sostenibilità ambientale, settembre 2021, Solare B2B;
- Il nuovo Decreto Semplificazioni: come cambiano le politiche di sviluppo dei progetti?, luglio/agosto 2021, Solare B2B;
- Comunità energetiche e sociali per contrastare la povertà energetica, marzo 2021 RiEnergia;
- Energia in comune, settembre /ottobre 2019 in QualEnergia;
- Autoconsumo e energy comunities: cosa cambia?, luglio 2019 Rienergia;
- Il contratto è complesso, aprile/maggio 2019, QualEnergia;
- Auto-consumo e fonti rinnovabili, la posizione del Consiglio UE, intervista a Emilio Sani, QualEnergia, 9 gennaio 2018
- È necessario un sistema distribuito per la produzione di energia, intervista a Emilio Sani su Elementi (documento ufficiale del GSE S.p.A.), n. 42, dicembre 2017
- Ammortamento fiscale degli impianti fotovoltaici, oltre e iperamortizzazione, Nextville 2017
- Quali tariffe per le auto elettriche? Staffetta Quotidiana, 27 maggio 2017
- I punti di ricarica per la mobilità elettrica, le complessità di un nuovo mercato, Energia Media, maggio 2016
- Quale sistema tariffario per l’auto elettrica, Staffetta Quotidiana, 27 maggio 2016
- La ricarica dei veicoli elettrici. Principi della normativa comunitaria e nazionale, Quotidiano Energia, 26 febbraio 2016
- Oneri e alta tensione, altra norma che penalizza efficienza e autoproduzione, QualEnergia, 9 febbraio 2016.